Comprehensive Bike Fit

What’s Included?

Physical assessment
Cleat position - fore and aft, left and right, float
Saddle height adjustment
Handlebar width
Stem length
Handlebar height
Saddle setback
Tri bar position
Hood position
Crank length assessment
Saddle selection and loan of test saddles
Foot activation if required

Up to 4 bike CAD drawings to aid in buying or building a bike

Cleat positioning available at free follow up if you move to clipless/ cleat pedals and shoes after the initial fit

Full written report with measurements

Free follow up within 3 months. Money back guarantee

A full fit takes up to 3 hours and costs £250


What’s Involved?

A comprehensive bike fit is exactly that. It’s a thorough evaluation of you, your bike and your riding position. You provide me with information about yourself, your bike, your activity and any aches, pains or issues on my pre-fit questionnaire. I will record measurements of your bike before and after, as a template for future bikes, bike builds, bike fits or to be used when hiring bikes

I will then run you through some physical assessments to check your flexibility, strength and symmetry; all things that can affect your riding style and position on the bike

We will then work through all the contact points on the bike from your foot position, saddle height and setback, handlebar reach, height and width. This is all done while you’re pedalling, as your weight distribution changes depending on which muscles are activating and how much.

At each point, we’re going to be asking is the position lighter? Is it more smoother and more controlled? Is it faster for the same amount of effort?

If you are experiencing saddle discomfort which isn’t solved by positional changes, you can trial one of my test saddles. These are available to borrow for two weeks, allowing you to give them a proper assessment.

As we home in on your ideal set up, you’ll find your bike more comfortable, your pedal stroke smoother and you’ll have more power for the same effort. Bike fits really are magic!

If at the time of the fit you ride in flat shoes but change to cleats / clip in shoes at a later date, come back free of charge and I’ll set them up for you. It’s good to practice clipping in and out a few times on the trainer before trying them on the road.

  • All bike fits include my time and expertise plus any small items including spacers and washers that I have in my collection.

    If you need insoles, these are extra. Most insoles cost £40. Customised insoles are from £50. Wedges and/or leg length shims from £10

    If I recommend new components, typically stems or different width handlebars, these are extra. London Bike Studio keeps a variety of stem lengths in stock which cost between £30-50. Handlebar prices are from £30 and you need to add on the cost of bar tape and wrapping the bars, if you would like them to do that for you.

    If I loan you a saddle to trial, I may add a refundable charge

  • No. If you book a comprehensive bike fit and choose to change to clip in shoes after your fit, I can advise you on this and will be happy to position these for you at your free follow up. You can also spend a while practicing clipping in and out in safety while mounted on the trainer.

  • Yes. We’ll do the bike fit on the one you come in on, but if I find that your bike is not the correct size for you, we can move over to the fitting jig. Once we have your ideal position, I’m happy to check this against any bikes that you are interested in buying.

    Comprehensive bike fits come with up to four Bike CAD drawings included, to check your fit measurements against a new bike's geometry

  • Maybe but I can’t promise this. If you are experiencing pain on and off the bike then it is likely you will also need to see a doctor or physiotherapist for assessment and treatment, as well as having a good bike fit. If your back pain only occurs on the bike, it is likely that it can be reduced or eliminated.

    If your pain is partly due to a lack of strength, I may be able to recommend exercises to assist. I am a qualified personal trainer, but do not work as one. I can also refer you to a local personal trainer who is also a qualified physiotherapist (and a cyclist), who can help

  • Yes! The comprehensive bike fit can be done on your current bike or on the fitting jig. Once I know where your saddle and hands should be, we can use this information to compare to the geometry of any bike you may be interested in. These full bike fits come with up to 4 Bike CAD drawings included

  • Tri bars position can be adjusted as part of a comprehensive bike fit. Please message me if you would like to include tri bar fitting as they may require some additional time