Choose Your Bike Fit

What are you looking for from your bike fit? My comprehensive full bike fit includes physical assessments off the bike, saddle loans and a comprehensive report, the full package. I also offer a quick bike fit, which may drastically improve your position, comfort and power on the bike, but isn’t as in depth or come with measurements. Visit the individual pages to see which one is for you. Fits are either performed on your own bike using a turbo trainer or on my fitting jig as required

Dynamic Full Fit with or without Cleats

Ideal for club cyclists, bike packers and anyone experiencing moderate to major issues on their bike

Buying or building a new bike? The full fit comes with up to 4 bike CAD drawings to aid with sizing and component choices. Contact me for further information

Free follow up within 3 months. Money back guarantee

Free cleat setup during the fit or at follow up if you change to riding with clip shoes

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: £250

Quick Bike Fit

Suitable for road and commuter cyclists.

Optimise your position on the bike.

Not suitable for people with moderate to major physical issues when cycling. Contact me if you’re not sure

Free follow up within 3 months

Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: £150


If you’ve got a new bike or want to recheck your position a year or two after your initial fit, book yourself in for a refit

Duration: 90 minutes
Cost £110

Cleat Positioning and Foot Activation

If you have issues relating to your cycling shoes, riding with cleats or you have recently bought cycling shoes and need them setting up

Customised insoles, leg length shims and wedges available at additional cost

Duration: 90 mins
Cost: £120

Included in full bike fit

Free Follow ups

All of my fits come with a free follow up within three months of the original fit

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Included in original fit

What else?

Occasionally, you may need to come back to make some further adjustments. A follow up within 3 months of the original bike fit is included in the price.

All my fits come recommendations for new components if required. These can often be bought and fitted on the day through London Bike Studio, subject to availability

My full fits come with a written report

If you’re not sure which fit to book, contact me and we can discuss it.

Ride with a club? Some London cycle clubs have discounts available to them. Contact me for further details. If your club isn’t yet included, ask a committee member to make contact.