TT Fitting with Foundation Fit

TT Bike at Foundation Fit

I’ve been keen to learn how to fit different styles of bikes, so invited myself (thanks Wei and Mat) to Foundation Fit’s new bike fit studio at the Velodrome. Their morning client was a triathlete with an incredible Trek TT bike, which he needed fitting for Olympic and Iron Man events later in the year. The experts at Foundation Fit are also trained in the Torke method of bike fitting, which uses observation and feedback, working with the client to find their ideal fit, rather than relying on tech to decide for you. The computer algorithm based systems work pretty well, but don’t take into account individual variations including injuries and issues including lack of core and upper body strength. I digress but am planning a post on this soon in response to an article in Cycling Weekly. Our method is better of course😁 .

It was incredibly interesting to see Mat go through his process, including a full functional analysis off the bike before getting the rider to saddle up and start pedalling. He was able to stretch the client out to a more comfortable position for the longer distances, open up his chest to allow his head to drop into the aero position and move his cleats so his glutes activate more than his calf muscles. Calf activation is fine for shorter rides, it can help with bursts of speed, but they tire quickly. This is doubly important if you’ve got a long running stage directly after your cycle. As I’m planning on starting my own triathlon training soon, I was listening intently to all his tips. As a former triathlete himself, Mat really knows his stuff.

It was a great experience observing the guys at work and they’ve invited me back to see fits on a couple of different bike styles over the next few weeks. Watch this space, I’m keen to make the velopark a home away from home

Kate Corden

I have a degree in Human Biology, am a qualified personal trainer and worked for 10 years in physiotherapist education and medical marketing before retraining as a bike fitter. This combines my passion for cycling and orthopaedic knowledge into a career which I love. I want everyone who cycles to be comfortable, powerful and most importantly, have fun

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